
czwartek, 28 lipca 2011

Norwegian journalist embedded with Taliban--Intimate details into lifestyle,planning,and attacking American & Coalition Forces -

A Norwegian journalist Paul Rebstal puts his own life in danger to bring us deep inside the Taliban network,as he brings us "RARE" and exclusive footage from within the Taliban terror cell.
They seem to be very terrified of American Air Power,admittedly,in the end they retreat for this very reason,an epic fail.
A remarkable video and a ""Must See."",i do believe a lot of you will find this very interesting.
At the end a local high ranking Taliban commander was hunted and killed by American Special Forces.
Shortly after,the Taliban were forced to retreat due the death of this commander,and due to United States Gunships swarming the skies,hunting them down.
enjoy liveleak,i'm sure you will,very entertaining.

[*GRAPHIC*] Soldiers Talk Casually Next To Slowly Dying Afghan - -

Soldiers Talk Casually Next To Slowly Dying Afghan

Six minute clip of Kiowa and TOW Missle shooting at the - -

Kiowa`s send some bad guys to hell - -

U.S Marines 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Suppress Enemy Forces -

MRAP Turret in Firefight - 0g saturated fat! - -

"src: After taking a few mortars on a mission, we bum rushed multiple villages to try to kill the enemy mortar team. There's not much to be seen, I got the video mostly for the sounds. If you listen closely you can hear the truck commander I was talking to over my headset. I was pulling rear security for some of the time. After shifting a .50 cal to cover the rear we moved up to the action. At 3:30 is when I was given my instructions to open fire. **note- the .50 cal is moved to cover the rear, this is the 240 gunner's perspective."

Taliban military operation - Daytime outpost attack

Taliban Afghanistan Operations 2008
Exact location unknown
Observation and attack on outpost
Incoming rounds - large caliber, intense audio.


środa, 27 lipca 2011

Oluja 5 min za sjecanja

Hrvatska Vojska u Afganistanu 2011 napad na Talibane

Chorwackie wojska w Afganistanie ( ISAF ) w 2011 roku
atak na talibów


Fierce fighting in Afghanistan's Arghandab Valley

Afghanistan War Footage: US Forces Ambushed at Darbart, Afghanistan (HiDef)

Afghanistan War Footage: ANA and Marines in Firefight. (HiDef)

Ambush on US armoured vehicles in -

video shows US vehicle destroyed by rocket-propelled grenade fire and RPG in Kunar provience and shows wounded US soldier or dead as you see.
Note: Liveleak could not verify the above information - The Best Apache Attacks Part 3 - The Best Apache Attacks Part 2 - The Best Apache Attacks Part 1 - Al Emara Studio: New Release - Jihadi Operations in Kunar, Part 3

Mujahideen overrunning a base-complex, seizing various weaponry and equipment. - Al Emara Studio: New Release - Jihadi Operations in Kunar, Part 2

"The Mujahideen takes over a US base the americans left because they got scared when the Mujahideen shouted very load. Lots of equipment and spoils left behind while they fled. But of course: "security situation improving", nothing new on the southern/northern/western/eastern front..." - Al Emara Studio: New Release - Jihadi Operations in Kunar, Part 1

Ambush of US convoy; shelling of US base

wtorek, 26 lipca 2011

Martin Bell reports from Vukovar, November 1991

Frontline Diary - Iraq

Back to Iraq

American Soldier Back From IRAQ Telling The Truth PART 2

ISAF troops patroling throughout Kabul Afghanistan5

Polish Army ISAF Afghanistan

Afghanistan Raw Combat Footage Suprise Attack On British Soldiers

Liberia warfare (for mature audiences only)

German Soldiers kills 2 Insurgents in Kosovo |WARNING GRAPHIC|

[HELMET CAM] British soldier shot in afghanistan

Helos Landing at COP DOLBY 24OCT08

Turn Onto Route Kristy In Suwaryah, Iraq

Heavy Firefights in Grosny |WARNING GRAPHIC|

Irak - Die Sniper von Bagdad

Taliban Counter Offensive in Kunduz


Film którego Armia USA nie chce żebyś obejrzał

Prawda o wojnie w Iraku - Żołnierz USA mówi Prawdę (napisy PL)

Przemówienie weterana wojny w Iraku Mike'a Prysnera (napisy PL)

U.S. Army Paratroopers Come Under Fire At OP Dallas

7th Engineer Support Battalion and Combat Logistics Battalion 7 in Marja...


U.S. Special Forces and ANA engage Talibans in Afghanistan

Firefight in Kunduz with US, German and Afghan Army soldiers

German Paratroopers in Heavy Firefight against Talibans in Afghanistan

Taliban Ambush Alpha 1-87 10th MTN in Kunduz, Afghanistan

Gunshot to the Head - Army Pathfinders Swoop to Afghanistan/Pakistan Bor...

U.S. Army Soldiers Fighting Insurgents In Zabul

U.S. Army Paratroopers Battle Insurgents From Bella Outpost In Afghanistan

Firefight! 3/5 Marines Fight to Secure Sangin, 01/06/2011 (HiDef!)

Now in HQ!!

Afghanistan Firefight 10th Mountain 1-87 Battalion!

Świniak ugrzązł w błocie...

Marzec to w Afganistanie czas roztopów. Wówczas lepiej byłoby nie używać ciężkich pojazdów, bo po którejś z rzędu 'zakopce" można stracić cierpliwość. Ale w sumie - lepiej stracić cierpliwość niż życie. A co by o świniaku - jak nazywali MRAP-y żołnierze VIII zmiany z Warriora - nie mówić, jego pancerz daje niezłą ochronę...
Tekst: Marcin Ogdowski
Fot. Marcin Wójcik

Source: Blog  "Z Aganistanu"

poniedziałek, 25 lipca 2011

Z Afganistanu - blog Marcina Ogdowskiego

Z Afganistanu 
- blog 
Marcina Ogdowskiego

Polacy i Amerykanie Afganistan 2011 rok

World: A Soldier's Dilemma in Afghanistan -

World: Stalemate in Korangal Valley -

World: Combating I.E.D.'s in Afghanistan -

dramatic rescue of royal marine in afghanistan by apache

Raw Video: Marines Pound Taliban Compound

On the Frontline with 45 Commando: Part 1

Operation Kanjari: Embedded in Afghanistan

Operation Khanjar Part 3

Operation Khanjar---Part 2

Operation Khanjar---Part 1

Video Essay: Diary of a U.S. Marine, Part 3

Video Essay: Diary of a U.S. Marine, Part 2

Video Essay: Diary of a U.S. Marine, Part 1

Marines Patrol Camp Leatherneck

Bazaar Patrol Part 2 of 2

Bazaar Patrol Part 1 of 2

The search for the last U.S. Soldier missing in Iraq.

this should be watched. britsh troops fighting war in iraq.

Soldiers Engage in a fire fight with terrorist.

shoot em up, bang bang

US and Afghan Forces engage Enemy while on Patrol

Islamic fighters in Afghanistan Failing Again...

I Think I Just Killed Half the Population of Northern Ramadi

U.S. Friendly fire in Ramadi Iraq 12/04/06 PT.2

U.S. Friendly fire in Ramadi Iraq 12/04/06 PT.1

Look Wat happens to US & Britshit Army in Afghanistan Daily(U Donot see ...

.50 CAL M2 firing full auto from a Humvee in Fort Carson

firing M4 on Burst in iraq....

Best Tank clip: M1A2 sep's firing 5 shots in iraq 1 of 2

Unbelieveable Ambush in Afghanistan

Iranian soldier fighting real against Iraq (Saddam) Army

niedziela, 24 lipca 2011

Friendly Fire Cockpit Video Iraq 2003. Matty Hull Killed

BBC NEWS BOADCAST - Friendly Fire Kills British Soldiers- 1 Royal Anglia...

REAL taliban fighting


M1A2 Tanks in Fallujah

U.S. Marines Ambushed in Afghanistan

U.S. Army Apache Engages Insurgent Compound In Afghanistan

U.S. Air Force A-10 Providing Close Air Support In Afghanistan

Canadian Forces Get Ambushed In Afghanistan (REAL COMBAT FOOTAGE)

Iraq soldiers shoot terrorist [ from ]

Iraq soldiers shoot terrorist from on Vimeo.

Iraq Helmet Cam Video [ from ]

Iraq Helmet Cam Video from on Vimeo.

Diary (2010) from Tim Hetherington on Vimeo.

Diary (2010) from Tim Hetherington on Vimeo.

USMC street battle in Ramadi: Charlie Company

The Panther's Claw - Afghanistan

Taliban Burning - Afghanistan

Fighting Season - Afghanistan

Source: Journeyman Pictures

Deadlock in Afghanistan 'It`s taken a year to move 20km'